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No you will not go blind but you will only experience pain sometimes when you twitch hard because your eyelids will slightly alter your eye lenses for a short period before you open your eye.

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Q: Can you go blind if you open your eyes or shut them as hard as you can or twitch hard?
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A two week old puppy is blind but when its eyes open it can see.

How do you stop being blind?

Open your eyes

If a baby turtle never opens the eyes does this mean it is blind?

no the baby turtle might not be blind it may just be to young to open its eyes

If you are blind would you sleep with your eyes open or close?

close.. logically

What does it mean if someone can't open his eyes?

They're asleep, dead, or blind

Why do blind people keep their eyes open?

well, if they closed there eyes all the time they would not be able to see.

Is a lion cub born blind?

No, lion cubs are not born blind. They are born with their eyes open and are able to see from birth, although their vision may not be fully developed at first.

Are gerbil babies born with ther eyes open?

No. Their eyes do not open until 17-21 days after birth. They are born deaf and blind without fur.

Can puppies see when they are 3 weeks old?

Puppies are born blind and deaf, but they start to see once they open their eyes. There is controversy over whether dogs are color blind or not, but i doubt they would change from color blind to not color blind with age.

IF Your puppy was born with his eyes open does that mean he will be blind later in life?

I dont believe so.

Do eyes close shut when going blind?

Eyelids have no function besides to protect the eyes from harm, and to moisten the eyes every few seconds (this is why blinking occurs). Therefore, a blind person can have open eyelids, but still be able to see nothing.

Does a blind man blinks his eyes?

Yes, a blind man can still blink his eyes. Blinking is a natural reflex that helps keep the eyes moist and free from debris, regardless of a person's visual ability.