Yes. I've put Calpol in my child's drink before when they didn't want to take the medicine on its own.
A bit more:
You first need to check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure your child can have that particular type of juice with his or her particular medication. Some juices, especially the acidic ones, can interferre with certain medications. And some meds, especially certain antibiotics, cannot be taken with dairy products.
One way parents can effectively give medicine to a toddler who refuses to take it is by using a syringe or dropper to administer the medicine slowly into the child's mouth while they are distracted or calm. It may also help to mix the medicine with a small amount of juice or food to mask the taste. Additionally, praising and rewarding the child for taking the medicine can encourage cooperation.
No. Some medications give instructions not to have grapefruit juice with the medicine. I know statins are explicit about not having grapefruit juice.
Pedialyte is for when the child may be dehydrated, and is not to be given as a substitute for a drink. When the child is febrile (feverish) or dehydrated from excessive vomiting or diarhea, it is reccomended because it rehydrates and has essential electrolytes. Think of it as a cold medicine. You would give it to your child only if he/she has a cold and not at any other time.
Depends on the type of medicine. Generally, sweet juice, buttermilk or soups, etc., should do.
To give medicine to the child From RYAN
I give my kids milk, water or fruit juice which is NOT from concentrate.
You can take the Birth Control pill with apple juice. You can take it with anything you like.
NO! I believe that aspirin, an ingredient in many cold medicines, is FATAL to cats, so DO NOT give your cat human medicine.
An example of an ethical dilemma in child care is if the child is sick and you were asked not to give any medicine. For religious reasons, some parents will not give their child medicine, but you do not share that belief.
2 teaspoonsful equals 10 cc (or 10 ml).
You should call the child's pediatrician for advice.You should call the child's pediatrician for advice.You should call the child's pediatrician for advice.You should call the child's pediatrician for advice.
you should give them soft foods like the mashed peas or carrots also some juice to wash it down most likely a 100% juice with no fake sugars