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Q: Can you give human pain relief to pigs?
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Are human painkillers safe for pigs?

No, and trying to give human painkillers to pigs without a veterinary prescription is illegal.

Can i give Painkillers to guinea pigs?

not human ones! they are made for humans!

Can a human give lice to a guinea pig?

No, the human strain of lice can not be transmitted to guinea pigs and vice versa.

Can guinea pigs take aspirin?

No,do not give your guinea pig any human medicine.

Can you give guinea pigs human pain relief medication?

It depens on what you need the medicine for. You can purchase a medical ointment from a feed store called Terramyosin* that can be used in a guinea pig's eye if it gets injured. Other than that, I would recommend going to a veterinarian if you feel your guinea pig needs medical assistance.

Can pig eat human foods?

Pigs can sometimes eat human food, guinea pigs can eat more human foods than pigs.

Would pigs eat human in a feeding frenzy?

Pigs have a diet that is most like humans. If you give them human meat, they'll eat it since it's meat. (I wouldn't advise or recommend it)

Can humans catch anything from guinea pigs?

No humans can not give lice to guinea pigs. Guinea pigs and small animals all have a different type of lice that can spread from pig to pig. Humans can't give it to pigs and pigs can't give it to humans, but they can give it to other small animals so be carfeful.

What organ is attached to a pigs esophagus?

A stomach is attached the esophagus. A pigs anatomy is a lot like a human most people use pigs to understand the human anatomy.

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