The sweat droplets ran down my face after my big run.
You don't have to 'induce' sweating, your body does it automatically when it gets hot and a sauna will make you hot.
Well, sweating can b good for you, and it doesn't really have to be hot, you could be excersizing in Antarctica and you may be sweating ^_^
you get hot!!! That's how
Hot means when you are dry. You are sweating.()-()(-_-)(.. ..)() -()
ya... i was eating some Takis...YUM
No, sweating on a hot day is an example of evaporation. The sweat on your skin evaporates, taking heat with it and cooling your body down.
Usually sweating is a good indication.
By the production urine and sweating
hot water
Advantage=no sweating Disadvantage=sweating