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gosh, i dont think so. its such an pleasurable activity for me - i love the taste & the feel of cum in my mouth & oozing down my throat. i say just enjoy it!

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Q: Can you get sick from eating too much semen?
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Can you get sick from eating too much gluten?

yeah you can get sick from eating too much of ANYTHING.

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You can get sick from eating too much of anything!

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You can get sick from eating too much of anything.

What does it mean when you feel sick after eating?

You ate too much.

What causes women to feel sick after eating?

A person can feel sick for a few reasons. Some might be.... *Spoiled / "bad" food, food poisoning *Eating too quickly *Eating too much *Allergic reaction to food *Too much movemtn after eating *Acid reflux *Indigestion

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It is likely from ingesting too much sugar.

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Peter Rabbit

Will eating candy make you sick?

Eating candy in moderation is unlikely to make you sick. However, consuming large amounts of candy can lead to issues like tooth decay, weight gain, and potential insulin spikes due to the high sugar content. It's important to enjoy candy as a treat in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What is your cat doing if it is not eating or eating too much?

If your cat is not eating, it could be due to stress, illness, or dental problems. If your cat is eating too much, it may be a sign of boredom, anxiety, or a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism. It's important to monitor your cat's behavior and consult with a veterinarian if you have concerns.

Can you vomit by eating too much popcorn?

Eating too much of anything can make you sick.

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Mayonnaise contains egg and mustard, which some people are allergic to.

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This could be for a number of reasons: they are eating too much grain before eating hay, they are sick, or the hay could be molding or tasting bad.