Sure. Even if your hands are clean, it doesn't mean every bodies are. In Shopping Malls, the hand rails in escalators are loaded with bugs. If you touch the rail, forget to wash your hands and then touch food... you've got a chance of getting sick. The usual culprit is gastroenteritis bugs. Some people just don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom!! There is also viruses spread by coughing and sneezing. A good tip, I carry a small bottle of sanitiser everywhere with me; so I know I've got it covered.
I would hazard to say fish and chips
Yes, it is. But can I suggest eating someone else?
Don't eat it. If you want to stop eating candies you can try to eat something else when you want to eat candies, like fruits or potato chips.
Some body else's chips i say nacho chips.
Some body else's chips i say nacho chips.
I'm sure there are multiple interpretations on this but mine would be: What I may consider difficult or unpleasant may be appreciated and relished by someone else.
That depends on the weight of the chips/fries, the weight of the bread slices/how many slices you use, what you use to butter the bread, how much butter/margarine you apply, and anything else that you might add to the chip butty such as tomato sauce or brown sauce. Of one thing you can be sure, as nice as they are, chip butties are high calorie.
They are made up of chips, chocolate, cakes, not walking your dog, getting someone else to get you a drink etc.
HIV isn't spread through sharing of food.
Chips like every body else !!
No, this is an internet myth, spread several years ago by opponents of the new health care law. They were trying to scare you. The truth is that nobody is planning on putting computer chips in you or anyone else; and there is also nothing in the health care law about implanting RFID chips in anyone.
Close, but when speaking like that and referring first to someone else and then yourself, you use the pronoun 'I'. Here: "I want to share with you why Chip and I hold this cause dear to our hearts."