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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can be extremely difficult to cure, because the exact cause of the disease is as of yet unknown. In fact, it is possible that cfs is a result of several underlying conditions that contribute to the syndrome. As someone who had chronic fatigue syndrome for 35 years and did in fact recover, I believe that cfs can be defeated. It isn't easy to do, and the way to a cure will likely be different for everyone who suffers from this affliction, but I do believe it is possible.

The plan that I used to (eventually) get well is the following:

  1. Find a good doctor who is familiar with the condition and willing to keep an open mind to try different treatment options. I found that having access to both traditional and holistic doctors was invaluable, as they bring different skillsets and knowledge to the table.
  2. The diagnosis and treatment of any underlying conditionsis extremely important. You might want to check for the possibility of thyroid disorders, undiagnosed sleep apnea and other health issues that may be making you tired.
  3. Be sure to check for food allergies. In my case, food Allergies proved to be a strong contributor to the fatigue that I was feeling, as well as the ongoing joint and muscle pain that plagued me on a daily basis. Eliminating the offending food from your diet can take you a long way on the road back to health.
  4. Get sufficient sleep! It is impossible to get well if you are not getting sufficient sleep. Many studies have shown that people with chronic fatigue syndrome need more sleep than the usually recommended 8 hours per night. Most cfs sufferers seem to require more on the order of 9-10 hours of sleep every night in order to feel their best.
  5. Get tested for any vitamin deficiencies. Oftentimes, individuals with cfs have low levels of a number of important vitamins, including the B vitamins (usually B12 and/or B6), and vitamin D. I have found that taking regular supplements of B12, B6, Vitamin D, CoQ10 and Acetyl-L-Carnitine to be very helpful in maintaining my current good health.

Perhaps most importantly, do your own research into the condition! Read articles on the internet, talk to your doctor, and try various treatment options. And don't give up hope! It took me almost 35 years to find a treatment protocol that works for me, and I feel completely cured of this condition!

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