Oh yes you can get pregnant if he ejaculates or have pre-ejaculation right at the vaginal entrance. Sperms swim.
Actully a guy puts his Penis up a women's Vagina and inside of his penis that's what cause Pregantcy
He puts his penis inside your vagina. After ejaculation occurs, sperm comes out of the penis and goes through your uterus and then one sperm forms into a child.
when one guy puts his penis in your vagina and one guy puts his penis in your anus (butt hole)
The stallion gets on the mares back puts his penis into her vagina and goes up and down up and down and humps her so then shes pregnant.
If he had any pre-come or semen on him at the time, then yes, there is always a chance that you could get pregnant. If not, then i doubt you could get pregnant. Be careful of any sexually transmitted diseases though! =)
The male puts his penis in the female's anal cavity.
Because they mistakenly think it will prevent pregnancy. Only properly manufactured condoms will work and even they are said to be only 99% safe.
Well first of all, mommy and daddy get undressed, no underwear. Daddy takes his penis (the thing he pees out of) and puts it in mommy. Some times he puts it in her mouth, and sometimes he puts it in a hole on the under side of mommy. daddy then lets something comeout of his penis and he puts that in mommy. To mommy and daddy SEX FEELS GOOD! Ask your parents more about it.
They don't it's physically impossible There is a sexual activity called 'docking' in which a boy (or man) inserts the end of his penis inside the foreskin of his partner's penis.
Yes, it gives you immense satisfaction and it puts a smile on your face. :)