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Yes, you can get up to 30 in the same area. You should get that checked out by a doctor or physician.

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Q: Can you get more than one sebaceous cyst at a time in the same area?
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Can a sebaceous cyst turn into cellulitis?

Yes, I have a sebaceous cyst near the hair folicles of the groin area. It has been "plugged" for a few years. All of a sudden 5 days ago it became very red and began to hurt. I figured it was infected, shaved the area, put salve and a large bandaid on it. This was Thursday. Then Friday, Saturday and Sunday I did the same. It became 'hot" to the touch on Friday and Saturday. The area around the actual cyst became red and remained red. About a 2"x3" area. Then on Sunday (4 days later) it began to ooze. I thought it was the salve that brought the oozing out and re-opened the pore. Today (5 days later) I finally got a doctor's appointment. The doctor said if I would have waited longer, I would have had to have anti-biotics intraveneously and the entire reddened area would have to be grafted off. UGH! I am presently on anti-biotics and am to place warm compresses on the area 3x's a day for 2 weeks. I am going to have the cyst surgically removed so it never returns! I am lucky to have gone to the doctor when I did. I'm sure in time it would have just worsened. So yes, cellulitis can occur around a sebaceous cyst. I believe my cyst has been around for over 5 years. In the early days I remember I could squeeze the fluids out, then it became plugged. The doctor said it got so big it just burst.

What causes subcutaneous cysts to occur?

If it isn't growing or painful it isn't a problem.Such a sebaceous cyst occurs when, for example, an oil gland does not have an opening to the skin surface, and the oil secretions from THAT gland cannot be drained to the surface, keeping the skin healthy. Don't worry though, there are typically plenty of other sebaceous glands that are doing the same thing.

How can you tell the difference between a cyst and a bad muscle knot?

A cyst is a fluid [or pus] filled sack that is round, has a well-defined edge to it. It can be red, sore & hot [when infected], and develop a 'head' [like a boil]. There are sebaceous cysts along the hairline in the back of the head and neck, in the arm-pit and upper chest/back areas as well as in the pubic areas. They contain dead skin cells and oil from the oil gland [in which they originate]... The oil & skin cells are professionally referred to as'desquamated epithelium and sebum [hense, 'sebaceous' cyst]... A muscle spasm [knot] is rarely round... and is more eliptical --or long-- in shape. Is never hot or fluid-filled and has a poorly defined edge [border] to it. It is usually 'sore' to palpation [when pushed on] and when you are relaxed it can usually be moved side-to-side, and becomes less-so when you tighten the muscles in the area... Also the soreness increases when the muscles in the same area are tightened...

What is a small lump behind the right ear and pressure in the same area?

I also had a small lump behind my ear that I thought was a pimple. It turns out that it was a cyst that they removed at the doctors office. He told me that it was more than likely a cause of stress, I often get small white ones on my face that I have had lanced off and there are no visible scars. I would get that checked out to make sure that's not the case. He said they don't have to be removed, it's more of a cosmetic thing, but just to be safe have it looked at. I have the exact same thing and I don't know what it is. I thought it was a pimple and then it grew and now i have like 2 of them it also feels as though something is pushing on my ear and around that area. So I'm not sure what it is ..but I think it's probably swollen lymph nodes but I'm not sure.

Bump on back of my head that just appeared for no reason it is sore hard. about the size of a quarter. It is sticking out. also I have a small pea size hard bump same side but behind my ear.not sore?

Get it checked out by a doctor as it there are a number of causes. It is possible it is a sebaceous cyst, which is very common and easily removed.

What causes nose pressure and jaw pain that throbs but it's not sinus pain and feels like it's tired?

I am experiencing this right now. Mine is caused by a cyst in my upper jaw (maxilla) between my canine and 1st molar. I had a cyst removed from the same area 10 years ago. Now I have another larger, more painful cyst in the same area. It throbs, and feels tired. I will have this surgically removed by an oral surgeon, but this time I required a double root canal first. The root canal treatment was NOT painful, and I was very scared to go! But it was the easy part. Good luck - see your dentist for an xray ASAP

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

Cyst at base of neck chronic mid back pain numb arm and tingling fingers Are these all connected Whats wrong with you?

A cyst on the neck is caused by a plugged sebaceous (oil) gland... Mid-back pain is rarely the cause of tingling fingers. Numb arm & tingling fingers are most likely related. The cause? Anything from a pinched nerve in the neck to a spasming muscle (on the same side as the arm/fingers tingling) in the upper back near the spine. You need an exam and proper xrays... See an orthopaedic physician. I disagree with this guy! I searched these exact symptoms and found this post. I have the symptoms that you describe, and when I empty the cyst the symptoms stop. The contents of this cyst smell funkier than anything I have ever experienced. I have to think that this cyst, or the crap that it contains, impinges on a nerve and causes the other symptoms.

I have a 5cm ovarian cyst can it shrink in size naturally or will it just get bigger in time?

the cyst can and most likely will shrink itself. although i have had a cyst the same size that ruptured, this is VERY painful you will know when it ruptures. your doctor will tell you were or not it needs to be removed. most of the cyst will shrink and absorb back into your body though.

What is the difference between lump and cyst?

Lump is cluster of same category of things (may be lumps of cysts) but cyst is singular number sac structure grown abnormally.

What does it mean for 2 or more shape to have the same area?

Nothing, other than tat they have the same area!

Are sebaceous glands and hair and arrector pili and epidermis in the same grouping?

Sebaceous glands, errector pili, and hair are all accessory organs or appendages of the skin that are rooted in the dermis. The epidermis is a layer of the skin, and is on top of and separate from the dermis.