No, it is not safe or legal to let someone else use your credit card.
pull over.Always let the tailgater pass - that way he becomes someone else's collision and trouble.
The person driving the car should get into some trouble but you'll get in more trouble because you let someone else drive your car and that person was doing some reckless driving.
=Well it is hard but if he loves someone else and you really love him you would let him go with his heart and you would let him have what he wants=
Yes! you have to let him go.
Unfortunatley if he has moved on and is in a relationship with someone else at this time there is nothing you can do nor should do as he is where he wants to be at this time. Let them be, let go and move on.
You have to let him go..
Let them know how you feel :)
Then let her know of these feelings, if she still insists her feelings for another person, let her have him.
Oh yes. Don't do it ! Yes.
Pray about it and move on. That was a thing in the past so make it your past. There is nothing you can do to change someone and there is nothing you can do when a person has developed true feelings for someone else. Sometimes people can make bad decisions in life that affects someone else. Forgive, let go and let god.