uhh well everyone has lymph nodes....they're parts of your lymphatic system....but you can get a lymph disease, like mono.
hyper-metabolic lymph node?
each lymph node has fewer efferent than afferent vessels, so the lymph flow stagnates somewhat within the node this is important because it allows time for the generation of an immune response and for the macrophages to remove debris from the lymp before it reenters the blood vascular system
Connected to an antiinflammatory response, which different chemicals are released by human cells and cause the pain and other effects. In general, pain in the lymph nodes indicates your body is fighting an invasion of microorganisms; but painless enlargement in lymph node points towards malignancy.
subclavian veins
_node* search (_node* head, _key key) { _node* node; for (node=head; node != NULL;;) { if (key == node->key) return node; else if (key < node.>key) node = node->left; else node = node->right; } return node; }
for (node=head; node!=null; node=node->next) printnode(node);
Refer to http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/110/BinaryTrees.html void mirror(struct node* node) { if (node==NULL) { return; } else { struct node* temp; // do the subtrees mirror(node->left); mirror(node->right); // swap the pointers in this node temp = node->left; node->left = node->right; node->right = temp; } }
Given a list and a node to delete, use the following algorithm: // Are we deleting the head node? if (node == list.head) { // Yes -- assign its next node as the new head list.head = node.next } else // The node is not the head node { // Point to the head node prev = list.head // Traverse the list to locate the node that comes immediately before the one we want to delete while (prev.next != node) { prev = prev.next; } end while // Assign the node's next node to the previous node's next node prev.next = node.next; } end if // Before deleting the node, reset its next node node.next = null; // Now delete the node. delete node;
Yes. The tail node's next node is the head node, while the head node's previous node is the tail node.
No. A leaf node is a node that has no child nodes. A null node is a node pointer that points to the null address (address zero). Since a leaf node has no children, its child nodes are null nodes.
An intrathoracic node is a node within the chest cavity.