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Yes but rarely

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Q: Can you fart and burb at the same time?
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can you fart and sneeze at the same time?

To sneeze and burp or hiccup is possible to fart and burp at the same time is rare but to do all of them at the same time is anatomically impossible.

How do you sneeze fart?

obviously u fart and sneeze at the same time u stupid idiot

How the earthquake form?

When approximately 100,000 people fart at the same time.

What is it called when you poop fart and pee at the same time?

A shartee. LOL.

Do girls fart when peeing?

No they don't fart they "toot" But they somtimes "toot" while peeing

Why do you fart before menstruation?

you fart all the time you fart all the time

Why do chimps fart?

The same reasin you and I fart

Why do grannies fart?

The same reasin you fart

What is a sneeze fart?

No............ why would you even ask that? But you know what? My saying is that there is no such thing as a stupid question. ONLY STUPID PEOPLE ASKING QUESTIONS!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

How do you eat cheese cheese and fart?

you eat cheese and fart at the same time you have to push really hard but make sure u dont die.

Why do people sometimes fart at a same time with another person?

Well it could be that you wanted to poop and another guy wanted to do that to but u both FART!

Do dragon fart poision gas and fire at the same freakin awesome time?

you wish