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yes you can cause if you fell for him/her once you can do it again all those feeling resurface from deep down in side

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Q: Can you fall for the same person again?
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Can people fall back into love?

Yes they can, with the same person, again and again and again. Until you find that one special person you are fully in love with. its all part of growing up.

Can you Fall in love again?

Yes you can fall in love again. Especially when you find the right person.

Can you fall for the same person over and over?

I believe you can most definitely fall for someone several times. Why do you think people make up after they break up? Because when they set eyes on each other they fall in love all over again. You can definitely fall for the same person! There may be things that change about them, but then you change....... you never know! Just don't let it control you!

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No, they can only hit it again after another person has touched it.

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Both a heavy person and a light person will fall at the same speed when wearing the same size parachute. The rate at which an object falls is determined by gravity, not weight. The parachute helps regulate the descent rate for both individuals.

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Yes of course

Can you love the same person again after falling out of love with them?

no! unless they change

When was To Fall in Love Again created?

To Fall in Love Again was created in 2001.

When was Fall in Love Again created?

Fall in Love Again was created in 2006.