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Only through a microscope.

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Q: Can you ever see germs
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Do you use a microscope to see the germs?


How can you see the germs on money?

You use a microscope.

Why are restaurants full of so many germs?

Because so many different type of people go to a restaurant, germs are a part of nature, where ever you go there is germs all around you not just in restaurant.

Are fleas germs?

No, they are not germs. Fleas are insects and blood-sucking parasites. You can't see germs with your naked eyes unless you have the help of professional germ-detecting chemicals.

How many germs does it take to see one?


Why can't you see germs?

because they are too small

What is the glove a symbol of?

It is just so you see the germs that are there.

Why do germs have different colors?

Germs do not actually have different colors. The colors you might see in images of germs are often added artificially for visualization and to distinguish between different types of germs. In reality, germs are typically colorless and can only be seen under a microscope.

Witch one has more germs the cheek or tongue?

your moms tongue has me sperms on it then ever

What are those things that scientists use to see germs?

A microscope, perhaps?

Can ultra-violet light kill germs?

No, but if you put on a cream you can see them.

Are there alcohol free hand sanitizers out there and are they effective in killing germs and bacteria if ever there are some?

There are alcohol free hand sanitizers that are effective in killing germs and bacteria. For example, So popular, which kills 99.9% of germs, can be purchased at a place like Wal-Mart.