There are no contraindications in the literature. However, it is never a good idea to drink heavily when you have any kind of infection, because alcohol suppresses immune activity. That can make it more difficult for your body to fight the infection, even with the help of an antibiotic.
Yes you can. I am on a 4 week course and been advise wine is OK
while you swallow it no but when you drink it yes
can you drink kombucha while on coumadin.
You can not drink your car, nor can you drink while driving.
Drink an energy drink that will keep you up for a while!
can you drink alcohol while taking hydroxyurea ?
is it safe to drink tiger malt while pregnant
can i drink achol while taking alarm
You should not drink Alcohol while taking ANY medication.
can i drink pineapple juice while taking warfarin
no you can't drink while operating a boat in oregon. but can you drink while anchored or tied up to a dock for a extended time?
can u drink alcohol while taking lansoprazole 30mg?