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you most certainly can, it is delicious!

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Q: Can you drink the water from the taps in the U S A?
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When you drink water do you pee water?

no you do not"but more info.. if u drink 100 glasses of water in 1 day, u may die"..!

How can you consever water give a short description?

we can conserve water by not leaving taps running don't play with it don't give small children to play with water don't was the car everyday was it so often do close taps when u are brushing not using water and that's how we conserve water

Why is drinking large amounts of water important?

u dont have to drink large amounts of water at once but it is important that u do drink water becuase ur body loses water all the time and u need to put that water back in

What are big facts about water?

1% of water that is fresh u can drink!

What is English word for hichki?

when u get hiccup so u have to drink water

What happens if you drink smart water?

U get diarrhea

why people have pee?

cuz u drink water

What happens if I had my period already but u pee blood?

Drink water and drink milk

How much is too much water to drink in a day?

it is up 2 u but to b healthy u need 2 drink at least 3 to 4 glasses of water

Can you drink condensation?

Yes u can drink condensedilk but u need to diluted with water cozeC. M. Is mill that has been reduced by cooking.

What can you do to get full?

drink plenty of water,everytime u feel hungry drink water and wait 15 mins if u still feel the need to eat then you are hungry,good luck

What do you do after you cook and eat the fish on club penguin?

after that u drink the water then u sleep then the guy finds u