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Q: Can you drink chloraseptic throat spray?
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Is chloraseptic good for a sroe throat?

Yes, chloraseptic works great to numb your sore throat. However, it does not get rid of it.

How often can you use chloraseptic spray in a day?

about every 2 hourly

What numbs a sore throat?

Chloraseptic & cepacol

Can you put chloraseptic in an e cigarette?

No, it is not safe or recommended to put chloraseptic in an e-cigarette. E-cigarettes are designed for use with e-liquid containing nicotine or flavorings, not medication. Chloraseptic is a throat spray that contains benzocaine, which is not meant to be inhaled and can be harmful if vaporized.

Can you snort chloraseptic?

No, you can't snort Chloraseptic. Chloraseptic is an over-the-counter product used to treat sore throats and mouth pain. It comes in spray form and also lozenges.

What should you do for a sore throat?

You can do any and all of the following:Take a pain reliever like Tylenol or MotrinGargle with warm salt waterTry an anesthetic spray or lozenge like Sucrets or Chloraseptic

What is chloraseptic used for?

Chloraseptic is a brand that offers sore throat relief products, typically in the form of throat sprays or lozenges. These products contain ingredients like benzocaine or phenol to help numb the throat and provide temporary relief from pain and irritation associated with sore throats. It is not recommended for long-term use or for treating underlying conditions.

Can chloraseptic spray get you high?

I am experiencing the high now ans I don't like it how do I make it stop

Do they still sell Axon throat spray?

No, Axon throat spray is no longer being sold. It has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

What commercials did actor David Doyle do?

Several for Chloraseptic, which is a remedy for sore throat. His naturally raspy voice made his job as spokesperson ironic enough to be memorable and effective.

What is phenol in besides cigarettes?

Phenol (carbolic acid) is in chemical peels, whiskey, antiseptic throat sprays (such as Chloraseptic), Carmex, sunscreens, hair colorings, paint strippers, etc..

How do you get rid of a really bad sour throat?

avoid cold drinks and drink hot stuff and do not eat sweets. and don't talk to much, that can exhaust your vocal cords. make sure you brush your teeth atleast two to three times a day, i get sour throats almost every other month, and this relly helps, also try drinking lots and lots of water, nothing beats water!