

Can you die of giantism

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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yes, you can actually, because being so large has many health problems including heart, lung, and blood flow problems.

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Giantism EP was created in 1999.

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Why did giant george grow so tall?

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Giantism or dwarfism results from a malfunctioning?

pituitary galnd :)

How can giantism be cure?

Can't be completely cured, massage can help remove fluid from the area.

What causes giantism?

When the anterior pituitary gland produce Growth Hormone excessively, this could result in gigantism.

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Andre was a well known wrestler before he died. He suffered from giantism so was very large.

What disease can make you grow at a non human rate but your organs stay the same?

I think there are actually a number of conditions that can cause this. Two are: Giantism and Acromegaly

What hormone is responsible for dwarfism and giantism?

somatotropin also know as growth hormoneundersecretion of somatotropin in children causes dwarfism.oversecretion of somatotropin in children causes gigantism

Why was Andre the giant so big?

Giantism is a medical condition that causes people to grow much larger than normal. Andre was 7 feet, 4 inches tall.

What medical condition is caused by the overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in children?

The medical condition caused by the overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in children is called gigantism. This results in excessive growth and tall stature.

What diseases make people be giants?

Gigantism, also known as giantism (from Greek gigas, gigantas "giant"), is a condition characterized by excessive growth and height significantly above average. This condition is caused by an over production of human growth hormone.[1]