Yes. Actually you can get cancer and it affects the brain, nervous system, and other parts of the body. People can also die while smoking weed and driving. It is the same as a DUI and puts other people in harm. The idea that it is a harmless drug is a fallacy and anything that you take into your body affects it for good or bad.
Guess it depends on how often she smokes it. There's a difference between smokeing it every other day, and smokeing it once a month. And she shouldn't be smokeing it to begin with -__-
by smokeing and stuff
by smokeing and stuff
He actually doesn't smoke the smokeing in his videos are fake
I had good results with smokeing cause cotton mouth you don't gotta swollow
why would a infant have weed in its system anyway u should b fixed dont b smokeing around kids period.
No. Tobacco kills people, weed has never killed anyone. Weed gets you high, tobacco just makes you addicted with nicotine. tobacco causes cancer, weed treats cancer. tobacco can only be smoked or chewed by a person, weed plants can be consumed, or used to make things like paper, clothes, rope, concrete, fuel and more. Tobacco is legal, weed is illegal.
when he was the womb
Is it good weed?
Ella Weed died in 1894.
In a word: all.