Only if it prevents you from reading a street sign in time, leading to a car accident-- ie, highly unlikely. Most dyslexics have learned to accommodate the problem by the time they reach driving age, and a street sign is not a high level of difficulty compared to the rest of their lives.
Dyslexia is a learning disability marked by difficulty in reading, learning new words, writing, organization, and drawing. this problem, which can appear like a vagueness, imprecision, in the learning process, is also linked to ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder.) None of these symptoms are fatal at all.
she does not have dyslexia.
Dyslexia can go away. Well, it almost can go away. just "fak ei ttil' you make it".
Dyslexia schizophrenia does not exist. The two conditions, dyslexia and schizophrenia, are completely different.
The boy struggled to read because he had dyslexia.
She has Dyslexia..... ;)
no its not severe dyslexia
yes he says " dyslexia yoda has"
No, Shane does not have dyslexia.
Yes,Dav Pilkey has dyslexia.
There is only one kind of Dyslexia.
She overcame her dyslexia by reading everything she could. She has been homeschooled since she was diagnosed with dyslexia in second grade.