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You can date anyone you want to, regardless of your relationship to them. A question may arise if the dating becomes sexual activity with a close cousin.

While the law in some places forbids marriage with your first cousin, virtually all jurisdictions permit marriage between second, or more distant, cousins.

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Q: Can you date a person whose grandmother is your grandfather's distant cousin?
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What is the son of my great grandmother's first cousin to me?

The son of my great grandmother's first cousin to me would be my second cousin once removed.

How are you related to this person their grandmother is a sister of your grandmother?

Your grandmother's sister is your great aunt. (Some would say grand aunt). Your great aunts' grandchild is your second cousin. Her great grandchild is your second cousin, once removed. .

How are you related to your cousin's grandmother's daughter's son?

Quite possibly not at all as your cousins' grandmother need be no blood relation to you at all on one side of their family. At the other extreme it could be you or your brother, or you could be a first cousin. Plus lots of other possibilities - for instance, your brother could have married your cousin's grandmother's daughter, making the person your nephew.

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In genetics perspective, they would be a person who is directly related to you. From your family's view it might not be so.

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The answer to this riddle is quite simple, although often answered incompletely - I am either your aunt or uncle, one of your parents or your 1st cousin, once removed (one of your parent's cousins).

If someone were someones grandfathers nephew's daughter what relative would that person be?

Your grandfather's nephew's daughter is your second cousin because you both have a common ancestor in at least one of your grandfather's parents.

What is the relationship between 2 people one whose mother was a sister of another's grandmother?

i think that makes them second cousins. my grandfather's brother is a grandfather to my dad's cousin's son. does that make sense? hope i could help. he is my dad's first cousin's son, that makes him my dad's second cousin, and my second cousin once removed. i have a large family and pretty on it how we are all related.

What relationship are you if your great grandmother and her great grandfather are siblings?

Person 1's great grandmother is Person 2's aunt: Person 2's parents are Person 1's great great uncle and aunt. Person 2 is a first cousin of one of Person 1's grandparents Person 2 is a first cousin once removed of one of Person 1's parents Person 2 is a first cousin twice removed of Person 1 In simple terms, Person 1 and Person 2 are first cousins twice removed.

Mothers cousin is what relation to you?

Your cousin. You are that person's second cousin.

Is it called insest if your distant aunt was adopted and she adopted a kid and you love that kid?

you will get different answers to that questions depending on who is answering. You share no blood line or cells with this person. But they are your cousin , if they are your aunts child.

What do people in england call their grandfathers?

Grandfather, grandad, grandpa..depends on the person

Would the sister of your great grandmother be your great aunt?

You might or might not be related to someone whose aunt is your uncle's grandmother. If your uncle is the husband of your parent's sister, then you are not related. If your uncle is your parent's brother, then that other person is your first cousin, twice removed.