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Q: Can you come back from an torn acl better than you were before?
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Will the twin tower come back?

Yes and they will be stronger than ever before.

Do Leo males come back after a break up?

Being a Leo has no impact on whether or not he will come back to you after a breakup. In order to come back, he would have to believe his life would be better WITH you than WITHOUT you.

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"More better" in any context is grammatically incorrect. The verb tenses are better and best. "Better than before" is grammatically correct. Example sentence: While the judges thought Mary's cake was better than before, they decided John's baking was better.

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Don't feel sorry for yourself, you'll survive, get back into the social scene and something else will come along, you will see, maybe better than before.

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Generally the center or middle of the ship is better. The back is better than the front but not better then the center.

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That's not true. MP3 players are not better than iPods. iPods are better.

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He laughed at her when one of her spells missed him and shouted, "Come on, you can do better than that!" before the second spell hit him.

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today's life is better than before as new inventions are done there are new technology and discovery

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That's all not true. iPods are better than MP3 players. MP3 are not better than iPods.

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Depends on how long it was inside before it was let out. If it was inside for at least six weeks, it will likely come back because it will know where it's home is; if less than six weeks, it is anyone's guess.

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it may seem that way because you think your bffs have your back, but friends come and go family stays forever