Yes, because you have two pipes going down you throat, one is called an air pipe and the second a food and liquid pipe. Sometimes the food or liquid you chew or drink can go down the air pipe and its a bit hard to get it out. Or you simply don't chew you food enough and it gets lodged half way down your throat.
A fixed choke is a choke that can not be removed or changed.
A 454 Chevrolet engine which is experiencing a choke light while the choke is physically open, indicates the choke is not receiving power. This can be caused by a loose connection or a defective choke.
The choke lever should be down for the choke to be off. In the raised position is choke on.
there is no choke its got an electric choke on the carb
choke lever pushed downwards = choke on
A poly choke is an aftermarket choke. The choke twists to different settings. It should have marks to determine settings around the collar of the choke
you choke on penis