Sure. Many antihistamines, like diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine are anticholinergics, among others.
Don't buy over the counter drugs... Buy over the counter PUGS! (DOGS)
Drugs you can buy over the counter at a pharmacy.
medication and drugs
Because there is profit in selling drugs. Whether it be over the counter aspirin or heroin, someone is going to buy it.
Drugs that are non-prohibited are those you can buy over-the-counter like aspirin and cough syrups and those prescribed by a doctor.
You can buy an over-the-counter test at a drug store.
Drugs that are non-prohibited are those you can buy over-the-counter like aspirin and cough syrups and those prescribed by a doctor.
A legal medication you can buy without a prescription like Tylenol etc.
Over the counter medication allows people to freely acquire medications that they may need without having to wait for a prescription. Now, you definitely can't go to a pharmacy and get over the counter Vicodin, which is a very strong pain killer, but if you need some Aspirin or Tylenol, you can easily pick it up over the counter. Any medication you cannot acquire freely, over the counter, such as Vicodin, is known as under the counter.
Yes, the medication that you can buy over the counter are in smaller doses. This is to prevent people from overdosing and using strong painkillers when they may not need them. If stronger medications are required they should be prescribed by your GP.
Nothing you could buy over the counter would show up on a narcotic drug test. -- However, there are a number of over-the-counter medicines that would cause an athlete to fail a test for performance enhancing drugs.
Drugs such as Tylenol that anyone can buy over the counter at a drug store. Other drugs such as anti-depressants, ADD medication, etc. are legal only when prescribed by a doctor. The only drug that i can think of related to narcotics (cocaine,marijuana) that is not yet illegal in the US is a hallucenagetic called Salvia.