In the beefcake aisle, of course.
The fastest way to pick up women is by use of a car.
the men were in the great council,and the women would pick the Representatives for each tribe,they were considered wise
the men were in the great council,and the women would pick the Representatives for each tribe,they were considered wise
the roles were wearing bonnets and eating waffles
the men were in the great council,and the women would pick the Representatives for each tribe,they were considered wise
the men were in the great council,and the women would pick the Representatives for each tribe,they were considered wise
the men were in the great council,and the women would pick the Representatives for each tribe,they were considered wise
You simply have to grab her in the most comfortable position, and start lifting up, that is how you pick up women. Same applies to anything you can carry.
It is a myth that all men dislike big women. Some men actually are attracted to big women and like a little more meat on a woman's bones, that then super thin girls that pick away at their food.
The pay level of men in still higher than women but women are quickly catching up women earn about 75% of what men earn