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Not unless you drink it for a lifetime.

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Q: Can vinagar kill you
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What does vinagar do to toffee?


How do you neutralize vinagar in a dressing?


Is vinagar an acid?

yes, it is an acid.

What is the formula for vinagar?

Formula: CH3COOH

What separates in the process of distillation?

vinagar and poopsies.

Can vinagar flush out you system in a few days?

no, but it can mask THC for a few hours! just drink 2 ounces of vinagar (a shot)and chase it with a gallon of water.

WhAT is the use of sense of vinegar?

Vinagar is good for everyone.

Is vinagar an acid or base?

Vinegar is an acetic acid.

Will cleaning patio with vinagar harm your grass or plants?

Yes. Vinagar will burn the green parts of the plant. Its actually often used as an organic weed and grass killer.

How many calories does 20 salt and vinagar chips have in it?


Is there acid in vinagar?

Vinegar is a type of acid that is very week.

What are the ingredients in vinagar?

Vinegar can be made of just about anything that ferments including wine.