

Can vampires get a tan

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Can vampires get a tan
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Why are vampires so pale?

Example: When we are embarassed, our faces flush because blood rushes to our faces. Vampires have no blood in their veins, they are the undead, it's impossible for a vampire not to be pale. That, and if they are never in sunlight, their skin will never darken. Since they can't be near the sun,they can't have dry or tan skin. Isn't that why we are tan and sweaty?

Why do vampires turn pale?

Vampires have no blood because other vampires when they bite people they drink all their blood so when there's no blood circulating in the body you turn pale so yeah not because they can't go in the sun so its hard to maintain a tan its because they have no blood at all but its true they can't go in the sun!!

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Some collective nouns for vampires are a vein of vampires or a clot of vampires.

Debate on Vampires Are Real Are Not?

yes vampires are real, bats are vampires. but human vampires are not real

Do real vampires have the same powers as twilight vampires?

There is no such a thing as vampires... but there is such a thing as vampire bats. And no, vampires do not have the same powers as Twilight vampires do.

Tan 9 plus tan 81 -tan 27-tan 63?

tan(9) + tan(81) - tan(27) - tan(63) = 4

Do vampires turn animals into vampires?

no vampires venom is deadly to animals

In what animals can vampires can change?

None, vampires are vampires, not shape-shifters.

Can people create vampires?

No, only vampires can make new vampires

Are there vampires in the Philippines?

Of course there are vampires in the Philippines, there are vampires almost everywhere.

Are vampires people?

In stories, vampires were people before they became vampires. In reality, no, nor visa versa. There are some people who pretend to be vampires, but this does not make them vampires.