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Too much salt in salt water used as a gargle can temporarily burn the throat. Swish clear water and spit it out. More important, though, using too much salt in salt water for gargling can increase the body's sodium blood level, decrease potassium, and make you feel thirsty or dehydrated. For someone with edema or high sodium, the extra sodium can add to the original problem.

Salt water gargle needs just enough salt (in a small amount of water) that you can taste the salt, but not so much that it's revolting to the taste buds. Use a small, juice size glass or medicine paper cup. Even with a small amount of salt, you can wait 30 minutes and go swish fresh water (no salt) and spit it out.

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Q: Can using too much salt to gargle with hurt your throat?
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that is called a puss pocketThat is called a puss pocket, I know it sounds gross.. well it is gross... If its white then that is the infection in it. It took about 3 days for mine to go away. What you should do is gargle with warm salt water about twice a day this kills the germs infecting you throat. Eventually the infection falls out (i know ewww) When it does i suggest still gargle after that to keep the germs out. If there is more than one then still gargle... sooner or later it will go away :D (somebody else)Thank you so much! I was very worried about it at first (I didn't know what it was and I'm a paranoid person especially about those kind of things) but mine seems to be pretty mild and hopefully it will go away with warm salt water. I can't think of anything "bad" that it could do to it? Will it hurt? I know salt hurts in cuts/infections/etcetera but helps them. But still, will it hurt a little? :-\

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