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I've been taking an inhaler since I was 3. I'm now 16. So no, it can't. Only use it if it's prescribed to you though.

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Q: Can using a inhaler one time effect your growth?
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What is the normal time for inhalers to effect you?

Usually 10 minutes or less. It depends on what kind of inhaler though.

Should You Buy A Novartis inhaler?

Deciding between a Novartis inhaler and a generic inhaler is not something that you should do when you are having an asthma attack. At that time, you need to know you already have the best inhaler for you. A good idea is to carry them both around. When you have the attack, try the Novartis inhaler and the generic one to see which one is better. Since you have two of them, you do not have to worry.

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It depends. I have an inhaler for exercise enduced asthma. In that case you wouldn't need it all the time, just before or after exercise. You can ask your doctor too :)

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Can you mix children's Vicks NyQuil with an Albuterol inhaler?

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No. You can use it how ever times you want it to do say like you use its effect to summon it 1nce then you end ur turn ur opponent activates a trapp since stardust dragon assualt modes on the field you can still tribute it to destroy it using its effect is not limited its unlimited

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no coffee can 't stunt growth of a child but he/she must ingest it once a day for a long period of time before that happens, a good medical fact about coffee is if you give warm black coffee to a child with an asthma attack, it will stop an attack with out an inhaler.-true medical fact. dr.grace.