yes this is most likely caused by anxiety and the over production of adreneline it can stress out your body and cause your stomach to hurt
Flat tummies disappear as you get older and guys miss it. So when they see one they see the female as a fine example to mate with, hence they get sexually excited.
Furosemide is given to help tummies from being upset.
The plural of tummy is tummies. The plural possessive of tummies is tummies'
I am as excited as a buck during the rut.
It has the same meaning as being excited 'I'm excited for the movie' can be 'I'm stoked for the movie'
Feeling of being excited
He could just be doing it to not hurt your feelings.
It is a feeling of being excited about something.The meaning of enthusiasm is excited.
seeds go in the tummies.
Uhm, calm is not having a rapid heatbeat and being excited is having a rapid heartbeat.