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Q: Can trench mouth be caused by fecal bacteria?
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Can you define a trench mouth?

A trench mouth is a oral or dental bacteria. It cause gingivitis and bleeding of the gums. Possible side affects of failing to report to doctors are ulcers and cancer. Please consult a physician or dentist.

Is acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is caused by the abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth?

Abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Is tooth decay caused by bacteria that realises the acid into you mouth?

It is primarily from acid produced by bacteria.

Is tooth decay caused by a virus or bacteria?

Tooth decay caused by bacteria. It begins when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the tooth's surface.

What is Trench mouth also called?

Trench mouth is also known as Vincent's disease

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is caused by the abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth?


Is it harmful to touch the anal with tounge?

Put a condom on your tongue on cut it open and put the cut up condom over the rectum. You do not want fecal bacteria in your mouth.

What are the problems caused by bad health?

Bad Breath is caused by bacteria building up in the mouth. Commonly caused by a lack of oral hygiene. These bacteria can cause tooth and gum disease if left untreated. There is also evidence that shows that tooth and gum disease can lead to heart valve disease as the bacteria can move from the mouth area to the heart.

Are sores in the mouth contagious and can it be transferred by kissing?

Sores in mouth are caused by many different factors. Those caused by physical injuries such as canker sores, are not contagious. However, mouth sores caused by virus or bacteria could be contagious through kissing.

Is trench mouth contagious?


What is an ucler?

ucler is a hole wich is caused by a bacteria .it can be found in many places such as mouth,stomach,finger,foot.

How is typhoid fever passed to others?

Typhoid fever is passed to others by fecal oral route. So the bacteria are in the feces of the patient and carriers of typhoid fever. The bacteria goes to your mouth by way of contaminated water, by way of hands and by way of houseflies to your food.