yes you can get indigestion, diarrhea or even iron poisoning! but under dose can cause scurvy!
Vitim c and you mom
Vitim c is not healthy this website is awesome f you who ever is reading this
Juice has Vitim c and that's what some plants need.
The recommended daily does of vitamin C is 65-90 mg for adults. Anything above 2,000 mg can be dangerous. Side effects of too much Vitamin C can include: Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Abdominal bloating and cramps, Headache, Insomnia, or Kidney stones.
The human body excretes excess vitamin C in the urine.
Too much vitamin C in women leads to vaginal seapage.
too much guitar.
good for skin and it has too much vitamin C
Yes, too much of anything can be dangerous for you/your health.
Having too little Vitamin C can lead to scurvy, which causes fatigue, weakness, and joint pain. On the other hand, having too much Vitamin C can cause digestive issues like diarrhea and nausea, and can also lead to kidney stones in some cases.
Yes you can have too much refrigerant in your A/C system and it will damage the system. The only way to know how much is in the system is to measure it by using a gauge.