no, it is the muscular movement of digestive system which forces food to move further in digestive tract. It may cause pain when these paristaltic movements are very quick due to action of certain drugs, and pathogen.
Peristalsis is an involuntary rhythmic contraction of an elongated muscle tissue to propel something 'forward'. Even though it's involuntary, meaning you cannot control it yourself, there are certain reflexes that aide persitalsis.
An 'illness of peristalsis' could be neurological in nature. If you believe you have it, go to a doctor.
An ileus is a condition (not an illness) which is basically a lack of peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract.
Peristalsis is a series of involuntary smooth muscle contractions along the walls of the digestive tract that move food through the digestive tractperistalsis
. Peristalsis does not occur in the...
The process in which muscles propel food through the alimentary canal is called peristalsis.
this is called Peristalsis
achalasia (absent or ineffective peristalsis)
Peristalsis is the contraction of the digestive muscles. Peristalsis is the contractions that occur in the smooth muscles of the body.
Peristalsis is the term for the wavelike motions of the esophagus.
Smooth muscle in the walls of the digestive tract contract and form a movement called peristalsis.
It is called peristalsis
The waves of contraction that move food to the stomach are called peristalsis. Peristalsis is a series of coordinated muscle contractions and relaxations that work to push food along the digestive tract.