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No but if the water is over 99 degrees feronhight it could cause death and if your breasts are in the water it could cause them to leak.

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Q: Can the jets in a bathtub harm a pregnant woman?
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Related questions

How do you install water jets into a bathroom tub?

It is not possible to install water jets into a bathroom tub. A bathtub with built-in water jets can be purchased and installed for as little as $1000.

How can water jets get you pregnant?

if there is human sperm in them?

What is something found in the bathroom that begins in letter j?

Jockey shorts and jars are things found in the bathroom that begin with the letter j. Additional items include Jacuzzi and jets in a whirlpool bathtub.

What is a bathroom accessory beginning with the letter j?

Johnson's baby powder and jars are things found in the bathroom that begin with the letter j. Additional items include Jacuzzi, Jasmine bath oil and jets in a whirlpool bathtub.

How much does a jacuzzi bathtub typically cost?

Jacuzzi bathtubs can run anywhere from $200.00 to $6,000.00. The cost factor varies greatly due to where it's purchased, number of jets, brand name, efficiency, width and more.

How much does it cost to install a whirlpool tub?

Depends on the siZe of the bathtub and where you want the plumbing to be. And you need to make sure there is electrical outlet for the jets. But if u can fit everything in. Then it u just need the room for that

Who is is better jets or giants?


What is the possessive noun form of jets?

The possessive form for the plural noun jets is jets'.Example: The jets' pilots continually update their training.

What is a good sentence of the words jets?

We found jets flying up in the sky. Jets flew above my head. A group of jets almost flew into my face. Jets are totally my thing! <3

Are jets planes?

Yes, jets are planes but jets are mostly known as supersonic planes.

What football team is 747s?

That would be the New York Jets.

When were the NY Jets known as the NJ Jets?

They have never been called the New Jersey Jets.