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Q: Can the average person expect to live 76.7 years?
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Life expectancy refers to what?

the average number of years a person can expect to live

Which term means the number of years a person can expect to live?

Life Expectancy

Pl tell you blood pressure scal for old person?

On average, a person who is 65 years old can expect to live another 16 years. A person who is 75 can expect to live another 10 years, and a person who is 85 can expect to live another 6 years. People 75-85 years old can also expect to be able to function independently for at least half of that period. In these age groups, our health care goal shifts from extending lifespan to postponing dependency. While preventing disease is still important, maintaining good health for older adults focuses on preventing a loss of function and supporting the abilities we need to remain independe

How long could a person expect to live during Shakespeares lifetime?

About 30 years.

What is the average length of time a person can expect to live?

The global average life expectancy is around 72.6 years. However, life expectancy can vary based on factors such as gender, location, socio-economic status, and access to healthcare.

How many days can an average person expect to live?

well first you find out the average age and just times that by 365 and then you should have your answer

A person born in 1900 had a life expectancy of 45 years. On average people born in 2000 will live 60 percent more than those born in 1900. How many years can a person born in 2000 expect to live?

The average person born in 2000 will live to be72.This is how you get it: First you change 60 percent into a decimal which is .6 then multiply .6 with 45 to get 27. After that you add 27 to 45 and you get 72.

How long does the average person in Zambia live?

About 45 years

What is a person live span?

The average in 2010 was 77 years.

How long does the average person in Mexico live?

76.06 years.

Hoe long does the average person live?

78.1 years

The number of years that a person can expect to live is called?

Life Expectancy