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One of the side effects of taking bisoprolol or hydrochlorothiazide is that it may cause you to become sunburned more easily. Avoid the sun/sunlamps until you know how you react.

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Q: Can taking bisoprolol maake you sun burn?
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What happens if your in the sun and you take Bisoprolol Hydrochlorothiazide HCTZ tablets?

Dizziness/lightheadedness may occur as well as dehydration.

Can you sun burn at the dead sea?

Yes you can. It is very hot and sunny there most of the time.

Do all people get sun burn?

yes no matter what you are you get a sun burn

When was Burn Back the Sun created?

Burn Back the Sun was created in 2006.

Can you get sunburn from sun reflecting on snow?

The answer to your question is yes you can het sun burn from reflections of snow, but its a combination of the sun and the reflection that gives you the sun burn. sun light is sun light yes uv light is reflected and will burn you

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Trying to Burn the Sun was created in 1975-01.

What is sun burn itch?

Sun Burn itch is when you have a sunburn and it starts to itch badly.

What chemical does the sun burn?

The sun does not "burn" a specific chemical, rather it goes through a process called nuclear fusion where hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat.

How close do you have to the be to the sun to burn?

The distance from the sun that is safe for humans is about 93 million miles, which is the average distance between Earth and the sun. As you get closer to the sun, the intensity of its radiation increases, resulting in sunburns and potential damage to the skin. If someone were to get within a few million miles of the sun, the heat and radiation would be intense enough to cause severe burns and pose a serious threat to their health.

Do creepers burn in the sun in minecraft?

No, Creepers do not burn, the sun burns undead such as Zombies and Skeletons.

How can you get rid of a sun burn?

stay out of the sun

What is a cloud burn?

A cloud burn occurs when the sun's rays reflect off of clouds and cause a sunburn on the skin, despite the lack of direct sunlight. This type of burn can be deceptive as people may not realize they are being exposed to harmful UV rays. It is important to wear sunscreen even on cloudy days to protect against cloud burns.