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Q: Can taking a bath mean your sitting in your own dirting bathwater?
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Related questions

What is blessed bathwater?

it is just normal bath water

What is a bath bomb?

A bath bomb is a mixture of chemicals which effervesces when wet, and is used to add scent and colour to bathwater.

I heard that taking a bath in ice water and jello makes you shorter it sounds ridiculous to me but is it true?

No, taking a bath in ice water and jello will not make you shorter. Height is determined by genetics and nutrition, not by the temperature of your bathwater. It is important to be cautious and not believe in such myths that have no scientific basis.

Can you die from not taking a bath?

No, not if the bathwater is normal temperature and the tub was not just shoved out of an airplane. Animals live just fine without taking baths. In fact, your skin might be healthier if you don't take baths, which wash off the natural gamma globulin that protects your skin from infection.

What kind of bath salts can you eat?

It is not safe to eat any kind of bath salts. Bath salts are meant to be used for external purposes only, such as adding fragrance or minerals to bathwater. Ingesting bath salts can be harmful or toxic to your health.

Can a dog die from taking a hot bath?

It depends, obviously if the bath was very hot then, unfortunately, the dog would die. Consider this: If you can take a bath in the temperature that you want the dog to take without getting hurt, then its good for the dog. (And also it can die from drowning, of course, but i don't think thats what you mean) Answer Certainly the bathwater should not exceed 100 degrees, just as for a human. Scalding the skin can lead to pain and infection.

What is bath caviar?

Bath caviar is a luxurious type of bath soak that typically consists of scented crystals or beads. When added to bathwater, they dissolve and release a pleasant fragrance, as well as moisturizing and soothing properties for the skin. It is often used to enhance the bathing experience and promote relaxation.

What is the mineral in powder after a bath?

The mineral in powder after a bath is likely to be Epsom salt, which is composed of magnesium and sulfate. Epsom salt is often added to bathwater to help relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and replenish magnesium levels in the body.

Taking a bath after biting venomous snake?

taking a bath after he bited a venomous snakes?what's the effect.

Is taking a bath after cooking safe?

Yes, taking a bath is always safe, just not always necessary.

What is the passive voice of he is taking bath?

The passive equivalent is "A bath is being taken by him."

What does la bain mean?

It means 'the bath'. (the act of taking a bath, not bathtub which is baignoir)