

Best Answer

Yes, its actually very common to get night sweats from steroids. Especially British dragon steroids.


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Is it possible to have night sweats in men?

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Yes, chronic lymphocytic leukemia can cause night sweats as a symptom of the disease.

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Go to the doctor, they will give you a blood test.

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Many bad night sweats is not a sign of cancer. You can be overweight. You can also have menopause symptoms. That doesn't mean that you have lymphoma, but if you want to know what causes your night sweats; visit a local doctor.

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Have you experienced any symptoms like night sweats that could be related to CLL"?

Yes, night sweats can be a symptom of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

What is the medical term meaning night sweats?

Night sweats are episodes of profuse sweating at night during sleep. Typically, a person will complain that they wake up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched with sweat. Night sweats may occur in many known diseases, some serious, some not so serious, but the majority of them are chronic and involve some sort of inflammatory component. Aj :) Men 40 plus can go through Andropause similar to a woman's Menopause and it can cause night sweats and is normal. Also nightmares can give you night sweats.

Have you been experiencing any symptoms such as excessive sweating, particularly at night, known as cll night sweats"?

"Have you been having symptoms like excessive sweating, especially at night, which are called CLL night sweats?"