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Q: Can spouse be a fiduciary
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Related questions

How do you obtain funds that are deposited in a fiduciary account?

The fiduciary is the person with the authority to make deposits to and withdrawals from a fiduciary account. If the original fiduciary cannot act a new fiduciary must be appointed.

What part of speech is fiduciary?

It is an adjective or a noun. A fiduciary (noun) is a person who acts in a fiduciary (adjective) capacity.

What is the difference between the trustee and the fiduciary of a trust?

fiduciary and trustee

What is a fiduciary receipt?

Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money for another person. So a "fiduciary receipt" is a document that a person acting in capacity of a fiduciary for another person would get in order to allow an audit of the discharge of their duties - part of a fiduciary account.

When was Fidelity Fiduciary Bank created?

Fidelity Fiduciary Bank was created in 1964.

What is a fiduciary service?

A fiduciary service is a trust impose in a person to act on someone's behalf

What are the key differences between a 3(38) fiduciary and a 3(21) fiduciary?

The key difference between a 3(38) fiduciary and a 3(21) fiduciary is the level of discretion and responsibility they have in managing a retirement plan. A 3(38) fiduciary has full discretion and control over the investment decisions, while a 3(21) fiduciary provides investment recommendations but does not have final decision-making authority.

The meaning and spelling of fiduciary?

FIDUCIARY : pertaining to the control or management of property for another, as in guardians and trustees.

What is fiduciary issue?

Fiduciary issue is a part of the issue of notes in the past bank that is not supported by gold. Fiduciary refers to an ethical relationship of trust between two or more parties.

How do you use fiduciary in a sentence?

Congress has not done a very good job of exercising its fiduciary responsibilities to taxpayers.

Corporate Fiduciary Duties?

Corporate fiduciary duties demand that the "fiduciary," (who is given legal control over funds), establishes a "standard of care" that rejects normal self interest for the benefit of the corporation's finances. The fiduciary must not take advantage of or betray the confidence of the entrusting parties.

Where can one find Breach of Fiduciary Duty online?

Hamilton firm provides information online about Breach of Fiduciary Duty. There is also information regarding Fiduciary on Wikipedia. The probate will also be useful.