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no, sperm cant last long outside the human body and if its dry then there's no way it is alive.

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Q: Can sperm still survive after dried and washed off after an hour?
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Related questions

Does sperm actually take a week to dry?

No. Still, sperm can only survive outside the body for an hour or less. Wrong. Sperm can only survive for 10-15 minutes outside of the body, or for 72 hours if in the woman's uterus.

What happens to sperm in water?

dried sperm is dead, getting it wet will make the seamen slimy again but the sperm will still be dead.

Can sperm live inside a female for 3 months and get her pregnant?

Sperm can typically survive in the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days. It is highly unlikely for sperm to survive for 3 months inside a female and still result in a pregnancy.

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It will still deteriorate as chemical changes happen with the air over time BUT as it is dry and bacteria need water to survive, it will not rot after it has been dried.

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Sperm typically can survive in a female body for up to 5 days, though the exact duration can vary. During menstruation, the shedding of the uterine lining usually makes it less likely for sperm to fertilize an egg. However, it is still possible for sperm to survive for a few days in the reproductive tract if ovulation occurs shortly after a period.

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Use vinegar

If you drop a blackberry perl in the toliet will it still work?

Electronic equipment can survive being submerged in plain water, provided it is thoroughly dried before you try to turn it on.

Can sperm live under finger nails?

Sperm typically can only survive outside the body for a short period of time, and it is unlikely for sperm to survive for long under fingernails. However, it is still a good practice to wash your hands thoroughly after any contact with bodily fluids to prevent the spread of any potential infections.

Are you pregnant if you dried your penis and then stuck it in your girlfriend 20 minutes later?

If you are pregnant, that will be news. Can she be pregnant? Possible. There are still going to be sperm in the penis. It only take 1 to do the job. Is it likely? No, Possible? Yes.

Can you still get pregnant if your partner has lumpy sperm with jelly like things in it?

probally, its still sperm.

Can a person conceive without penetration?

No. You can get pregnant when sperm is introduced into the vagina and although this is usually from penetration it can also occur in other ways. Sperm are motile (able to move) and sperm from someones hand or sperm that has been ejaculated close to the vagina could enter by itself

Are stone washed jeans still popular?

They are not very popular but you can still buy them.