No, in no possible way. Check fraud is for someone writing bad checks.
Yes, it's forgery.
Walking a mile in someone elses shoes.
I want to report immigrants using someone elses documents.
No,it is rude and illegal to rip someone elses' campaign poster.
take someone elses ;)
Checking some elses personal data would mean you are breaching privacy laws
If you self asses your work you are basically checking/marking your workPeer asses is when you mark/check someone elses work!!
It depends: a. If the check is in your name (As Payee) - then No. Such a check can only be deposited into your own bank account b. If the check is in someone elses name - then Yes, you can deposit such a check into the account of the person to whom the check is addressed.
Yes, if you hold a valid power of attorney to act on their behalf. Otherwise no. Signing for someone you do not hold power of attorney for is fraud, and against the law.