well yeah if you are already cool then just keep the smartness to the tests and dont answer every question in a smart way and if someone asks you a really hard question and you know it then say that you dont know
It works... sometimes
if you are a grown up and somebody gets smart with you you should punish them .But if your not a grown up then you shuold just get smart with them back.
Somebody smart
Somebody very smart!!
"Cool smart phones are everywhere, I have an iphone 4 on the desk next to me, which I consider to be an exceptionally cool smart phone. But your local AT&T or Verizon wireless store would be another great spot to see cool smart phones."
you are so cool, smart and i am really like you
nirushan is super smart and cool.tharushan is dum and not cool and he is a loser
Smart, but it is important to also be social.
yes he smart funny and cool
smart, cool, and handsome
Ya, man hes cool and a great singer very athletic smart and defintaely cool