NO! There's a massive chance that they would have children with genetic defects.
yes you can marry because she is your cosin sister
You can if your brother and his wife break up. but you have to be a man though. brother and sister can not marry.
Yes, it is legal for your sister to marry your husband's brother.
No, Brother-Sister relation
A sister in law, by definition, is the sister of your wife. As long as you aren't still married to your wife, it would be legal. A sister-in-law can also be your brother's wife. You can marry her provided she is not still married to your brother.
Your brother-in-law is not a blood relation, and neither is his brother. So yes, you could marry a brother-in-law's brother, if you wanted.My grandmother "R" married a man, "H"."H's" sister, "A", married my grandmother's brother, "L".So brother and sister in one family, married sister and brother of the other family. Love occurs in the strangest ways!
Yes, as long as she is not already married.
yes because there is no blood relation
If your brother-in-law's ex-wife is your sister, you cannot marry his ex-wife.If your brother-in-law is the brother of your wife, then as long as you are no longer married, you can marry his ex-wife.
Of Course No.....You have to be blood brother and sister or brother and brother unless your father was to marry his mother, Pattie but then he'd be considered your Step brother not regular brother only Jazmin Bieber is his Regular sister
A brother can't marry a sister it's against the law, but you can marry your 2nd cousin and down.