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not unless you are doing sit-ups at the same time

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Q: Can rubbing lotion into you tummy take away flab?
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Related questions

What are the uses of a girdle?

It is a stretchable band used in the tummy to smooth out flab. (like a corset) It is usually worn inside a dress or a shirt. However it does not make a permanent result.

Does a dog's flab after having puppies ever go away?

It depeneds if your dog excercises.

How do you naturally get rid of tummy flab that is the result of stretched skin after having a baby?

After my delivery I use to drink warm water with lemon and honey. And it really works for me. I usually drink twice a day :)

Why the jiggle are you asking me questions?

because your flab is too uncapable of jiggling by itself. according to the jiggle guide, ur flab must be at least four inches saggy to jiggle properly. if u eat too much && are experiencing flab up to six inches, call ur doctor, && ask him to remove at least one && a half inches of flab so ur jiggly flab can jiggle without any further concerns. be careful not to wack somebody in the face with the flab. the effect may cause the subject to bleed uncontrollably, lose all signs of conscienceness, and or experience the sudden urge to yell "HOLY FLAB!" keep the jiggle away from children. pet ur goat. now drink ur chocolate milk. the answer is fulfilled.

Do you like flab?


How do you beat Flab Zone in bowsers body?

I am good but I need help on how to beat Flab ZONE in bowers body.

How can you lose belly flab?

All you need to do is eat a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables, with a little meat. Also you should do 20 situps each day it will make your tummy feel much tighter and harder over a week, never give up!!

What actors and actresses appeared in Flab to Fab - 2004?

The cast of Flab to Fab - 2004 includes: Brian Danner as Himself (2004)

How do you lose underarm flab quickly?

Change the flab into muscleEat healthier foodsand excercise A LOT for the flab into musclelifting weightsand running are the besttry some sports likevolleyball basketball tennis and badminton are the best sports that can easily shape your arms

What is the first ever bomb?

it was camerons flab

Is Micheal a flab lickin lesbien?


What are the advantages of water?

you cant see your flab.