Sure.., why not. Sleep-overs are fun and build long term childhood/adult friendships. Sharing stories, secrets and perhaps a bit of sexual curiosity, is healthy and natural. In a tent in the back year or in a cozy room with bunk beds, the setting will lend an atmosphere in which the minds of the boys will playout adventures, games, enjoy food by a camp fire of snacks next to the fridge - a modicum of supervision is recommended but, not intrusion into the event... boys will be boys... let them play and explore!
Preteens and teens need anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep until fully developed
pizza sleep over camp out simple party at home (with friends)
Girls do. As preteens they start to develop 2 years before boys do.
Boys will smell when they sleep if they haven't taken a shower recently. But smell isn't something that is inherent to boys. is good if you read the tigerbeat magazines, its preferebly for girls, but boys can have lots of fun to on it
boys sleep longer because they sleep 9 hours to 11hrs and girls just sleep 7 hours to 9 hours
Because we want to, not all boys do.
Because we want to, not all boys do.
The topics in Jersey boys are okay, with the brief sexual suggestions, but there are many many swears and the characters in the show cus at least every other sentence, so i would beware of that.
it means she has nothin to sleep in
You should sleep any way that you feel comfortable. Most boys sleep in boxers
They sleep at the rear end of the galleon and there is normally two cabin boys so there is two rooms. They sleep next to the cook carp and behind the shop and galley.