Although some companies do put preservatives to their food products with a substantial amount only. Increasing the quantity can cause illness to the consumers like diarrhea. If you can afford, buy fresh foods only.
preservatives-chemicals that slow down the spoilage of food
You can buy natural food preservatives from Global Natural Food Preservatives Suppliers. You can type in food additives in the internet and it will bring up suppliers of chemical preservatives. Think carefully before adding preservatives to any food.
Preservatives prolongs the life of the food. ex. Sweetining
Preservatives stop food from going of, they preserve its useful life.
additvisand preservatives used food preparation
additvisand preservatives used food preparation
additvisand preservatives used food preparation
additvisand preservatives used food preparation
i dont no mayby dove food
Preserves food
See a list of accepted food preservatives at the link below.