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Of course, as long as there is no other impediment.

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Q: Can pregnant women can marry somebody else in overseas?
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Can you marry a women overseas if you are on social security disability?

I see no reason why not but if you move out of the country, you may lose your benefits. Contact SSA.

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If you don't know how women get pregnant, I'm not the one to tell. Let's just say that a man can get a woman pregnant without marrying her first. He could, as Shakespeare did, marry her after.

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The Women Men Marry was created in 1937.

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That can depend on your culture. In America, most people marry somebody they really love. In other places, sometimes women don't have all that much say in the matter.

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pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding (vision may not be stable)

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No. They're fine for pregnant women.

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Any sperm can get a women pregnant.

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