'Too often' implies that you are pooping too much, so yes, but to phrase your question properly, pooping 'A lot' would be better. And it depends how often is 'too often'. Once every day is ok, but once every five minutes, or hour is not good. even twice a day is too much. you need to be eating enough to support the amount that is going out. otherwise you get skinny and sick. that is why people die of diarreah, because they cannot supplement the amount of... stuff... leaving the body.
By pooping too much
Cookies are unhealthy when eaten too often or too many at a time, because they are high in calories without much protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates or vitamins.
unhealthy food means food that is not good for you and have too much fat
this happens to me too!
Cookies are unhealthy because they contain a lot of sugar and fat. Eating one (or two small) cookies will not make you unhealthy, so long as you make other healthy choices.
Its the potassium bicarbonate, it weakens the bones and eventually can lead to calcium deficiency.
it is unhealthy so you should often clean the cage.
If you eat too much, yes. Moderation is key!
people are pooping too much and it makes masks
Its really a simple term. its called "pooping during labor...".PS: i don't think it happens often enough to have a proper term
Immigrants often crowed into cramped and unhealthy living quarters called
They have too much fat.