No, the blood can't cause this. High levels of nitrite indicate the presence of bacteria (e.g. E. coli) which convert nitrates into nitrites. Therefore high nitrite levels may be a sign of an urinary tract infection (sometimes there are false postive results nevertheless).
When you have high levels of sugar in your blood, you really have to change your food. Else it can cause in diabetes type 2. When you have high levels of sugar for a long period of time it can damage the vessels and it can increase the chance of getting a heart attack
No, but this is a common misconception. Whilst diabetes can cause high blood sugar levels, high blood sugar levels can't cause diabetes. There is a variety of causes for it, but this isn't one.
Those who are having blood drawn are advised not to eat within eight hours of the sample extraction. This is due to the fact that eating within that period can cause changes in things like blood sugar levels.
Yes it does.
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yes and usually a simple blood test at the doctor will tell if your levels are normal. good luck joymaker rn
fluid -gradpoint
No i am sure not