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Yes, I have fallen asleep whilst standing up. But you only last for 3 - 5 seconds before falling down and hurting yourself.

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Q: Can people sleep while standing up?
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Where the penguins sleep?

they sleep while standing up and hudled in a group.

What really tall African animal sleeps while standing?

Giraffes normally sleep while standing up.

What is it called when animals sleep while standing up?

Horse Behaviour

Do any animals sleep while standing up?

yes horses do except when they are dead some people call it the internal sleep when someone/something dies so there you go

Can rats sleep standing up?

No, rats cannot sleep standing up. The only mammals that can sleep standing up are large herbivorous mammals, like horses. They sleep standing up because it is sometimes difficult for them to stand up for lying down. Some birds, like flamingoes, sleep standing on one foot.

What will happen to a whale if it went a full deep sleep?

Nothing. Just as a horse can sleep standing up a whale can sleep while swimming or floating

What is the meaning of sleep like a horse?

It means you only sleep little. Horses can sleep standing and for 2hrs at a time to regenerate

In The Big Sleep who said She tried to sit in your lap while you were standing up?

Humphrey Bogart

Do sheep sleep standing up?

Sheep primarily sleep lying down, although they are capable of dozing while standing. They feel most comfortable and get their deepest rest when lying down.

Do alpackers sleep standing?

no, they do not, horses are the only known animals to sleep standing up.

Do hores sleep standing up?

Yes, most horses sleep standing up but sometimes they do lie down.

What does a horse sleep on and how much is it?

They sleep standing up. They can be kept in a barn at night with hay to eat and water to drink and will sleep standing up in their stall. they sleep standing up on the ground, in a paddock or barn, free of charge unless your agisting